(click on a topic, then scroll down)

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==>( Why “Thumbs Up?” In October 2011, my left thumb began to have small controlled movements [30-months post- stroke])

My Biography

1. Healthcare Evolution

2. Tools, Games and Resources for Rehabilitation

3. Act fast to minimize a stroke's effects

4. Stroke Rehabilitation -Assistive Technologies’ Benefits

5. Understanding Spasticity vs Order of Recruitment

6. Rehabilitation Robotics and Brain Plasticity + Stem Cell Research

7.7.The 90-day” or the “Six month Recovery Myth”

7. Dealing with the Department of Rehabilitation and US Social Security Administration

8. The Purpose Of Robotics

9. Brain Fitness, Physical Fitness, and Food Fitness

10. USC ICT’s Medical Virtual Reality Lab.

11. USC OPTT-RERC Optimizing Participation Through Technology For Successful Aging With Disability

12. CSUN CENTER OF ACHIEVEMENT: Rehabilitation Robotics And Brain Plasticity Presentation

13. RANCHO LOS AMIGOS National Rehabilitation Center

... Rancho Robotics

14. NORTHRIDGE HOSPITAL Center For Rehabilitation Medicine

.. . Northridge Robotics

1 6. MYOMO THERAPY - Before therapy and After 2 1/2months.

. .. Northridge Robotics

. .CBS2 (LA) News Interview 1/18/2012 11 pm


15. Rancho Robotics

16..Rehabilitation - Helpful Hints

Overcoming Barriers

Walking Aids

Good Friends

Attitude and Patience

17..Southern California and National Support Groups for Brain Injury

18. Definitions and Terminology

19. 2O15-16 AHA Stroke Guidelines9



Saturday, November 19, 2011

Stroke Rehabilitation

I'm transferring from my previous blog to this one - so it may be a little out of order.

Thumbs Up

 Assistive Technologies’ Benefits In The Lives Of Persons With Disability

The purpose is to focus patients, families, caregivers and medical professionals on the 90-day and 6-month Recovery Myths, on the need for a widely varied, comprehensive post-acute rehabilitation program, including robotic, Virtual Reality, and wellness (like the CSUN Brown Center Of Achievement and Rancho Los Amigos programs), and mentally stimulating programs emphasizing brain plasticity and demonstratable results, as well as changes in traditional PT/OT [NOTE: VR and robotic therapy will never replace competent, caring therapists, but is a tremendous supplement/stimulant, despite some incorrect theories about recovery processes and timing].

I hope that we’ll discuss experiences with TBI, CVA and Stroke Rehabilitation - therapies, compensatory/alternative tools, concerns, anything related to rehabilitation.

I welcome all comments, suggestions, ideas about format, content and  research.

Click On This Link To Email Directly To Me Email me

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